5 Lessons from the Shut Up and Writeathon

My mean wolf has a name. Maxine. She sits down right beside me when I decide to write. She has a lot to say. She tells me I must be brilliant and profound and spectacular. As if that weren’t enough, after a time looking at a blank page she starts asking questions. “Why aren’t you writing?” “Are you sure you have what it takes to be a writer?”

Maxine has a killer instinct.

During the past 2 weeks, I got close up and personal with Maxine. She was encouraged to show her face during an on-line event called the Shut Up and Writeathon, the brainchild of Stella Orange. Stella Orange is a copywriter who helps people with their business writing projects such as writing a website or creating promotional materials.

The writeathon was brilliant. Stella soothed the resistance in sitting down and writing; she encouraged us to play.

During the 10-day challenge, in her wonderful quirky way, Stella helped us unearth the distractions, hurdles and what we say to ourselves. Give that mean wolf a name, she said.

I recognized that mean wolf from other endeavours in my life. I recognized her from my own journey to work that is a good fit for me. And I recognized her from my work with others who want a work life that engages them in the right way. She is wily.

Our last assignment in the Shut Up and Writeathon was to create a blog highlighting 5 things we learned from the experience.

I learned a lot from the experience, a lot that can be directly applied to doing work that matters to you. 

Here they are:

Ideas come through doing.

When I was a young writer, I would pick up my pen when I was inspired by an event or an observation. At some point, I realized I had not written in a long time. It was in a conversation with Luanne Armstrong author of 14 books who told me it is a misconception that our ideas happen before we sit down to write.

She explained it is through the process of writing where our ideas emerge. This idea is life changing. My aha moment this week was it applies to all my writing, business included.


Work that matters is about looking inside yourself to see what makes you tick. It is the doing of the exploration that leads to the idea of where you use your strengths. To know your strengths means doing the work to figure it out.

How can I make this pleasurable?

Stella Orange shared her disciplines for writing. The idea of making writing pleasurable I adopted. There is nothing like fun to get me motivated and engaged.


Work that matters always has the element of fun in it. Remember though – we each have our own ideas of what fun is. We are also more receptive when we are having fun.

Confidence is cultivated.

What is intriguing about our culture is that babies are born with confidence. What happens along the way? We can re-learn confidence. Basically for writers, it means shut up and write. It means showing up, following through on your promises (especially the ones we make to ourselves), and know that we have to find our own way.

I realized in the Writeathon that I need to see my writing times as non-negotiable. The craft of writing happens through doing, paying attention to what works and what does not.


Work that matters requires us showing up in our life. It means taking our aspirations seriously. What it also means is also paying attention to how we keep ourselves small.

Being hard on ourselves is a pointless strategy.

As the days progressed in the Writeathon, Stella told us to celebrate whatever amount of writing we were doing, whether we had missed days or not. She encouraged us to post our “failures” on the Facebook group so we could all celebrate together.

What a novel idea.

In my own writing, I tend to focus more on what I have not done. But what about cutting myself some slack?


When a person is doing work that is not a good fit, I have seen them being quite self critical. It comes with the territory when we have a problem not easy to solve. How can we be kinder to ourselves, especially when we are being challenged?

Even a mean wolf has something to teach.

I had a dialogue with Maxine. She was created out of a need to protect myself. She wants to keep me safe and that means cozy and comfy on my couch. Safe doesn’t look like putting myself out there.


Moving towards work that matters means moving out of the comfort zone. If the answer was there, we would have found it already. What it doesn’t mean is turning everything upside down. It means taking one step at a time. The answer is much closer than we think.


Since the Shut Up and Writeathon, I am feeling a good deal less irritated by my mean wolf. Now when I sit down to write, I expect her to show up. What I realized as I truly listened to what Maxine had to say was she had a lazy trait. She pretty much said the same thing over and over again. No new thoughts. But there I was every day, letting her take up a lot of space. 

What do you think? What is the name of your mean wolf?



Careers for people who love working with people

What kind of people person are you? At the root of the answer you will find your perfect work.

To hone in on the answer, ask yourself this: what do you do that makes you a good people person?

Do you inspire, persuade, calm, listen, entertain, inform people? Think about what you do when you are at your best.

A couple of days ago, I caught a plane in Vancouver en route to San Francisco. I met a young woman from Croatia who recently completed a Masters program. She was doing some exploring before settling down to work “for the rest of her life.”

She had already spent nearly a full day of travel and on her last leg. Despite the severe sleep deprivation, she had lots to say and ask. She was jazzed.

I like talking to strangers. How many fascinating ways people lead their lives! I wonder what road will they take next.

For me, I think of the road not taken. While I was raising children, others in their 20s were at university. 

The one road where others were backpacking across Europe. Or landing a job far away.

Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t about regrets.

There are so many choices in life and then events along the way, I could never have predicted I ended up where I am.

Like sitting on an airplane next to a young graduate. Will she ever spend more than 7 hours in Canada? Like she did in the Vancouver airport.

I will never know how her story unfolds. Nor mine for that matter. What I do know for sure is I have always been drawn to working with people. As she does.

The exchange got me thinking about great people careers. Below are some ideas to help you scheme and dream. 


In addition to teaching in schools, here are occupations that involve teaching.

  • Foreign Language Instructor
  • Special Education Teacher
  • Corporate Trainer
  • Instructors – Dance, Sport, Acting, Music
  • Professor
  • Curriculum Specialist
  • Adult Education Teacher


  • Career or School Counsellor
  • Addictions Counsellor
  • Crisis Counsellor
  • Marriage and Family Therapist
  • Bereavement Counsellor
  • Social Worker

People Management

  • Human Resources Specialist
  • Recruiter
  • Volunteer Coordinator
  • Management Consultant
  • Casting Director


  • Health Care Administrator
  • Fundraiser
  • Arts Administrator
  • Logistics Specialists


  • Event Planner
  • Recreation Director
  • Curator
  • Tour Guide
  • Funeral Director
  • Caterer
  • Schedule


  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Radio/Television Program Director
  • Advertising Copywriter
  • Editor/Writer
  • Marketing Managers
  • Motivational Speaker

Customer Service

  • Airline Customer Service Agent
  • Bank Teller
  • Dispatcher
  • Hotel Desk Clerk
  • Flight Attendant


  • Fashion Retailer
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Insurance Agent/Broker
  • Art Dealer
  • Retail Buyer
  • Sales Managers

From time to time, I calculate the number of people I see in a week. During the past 20 years, the number has been between 60 and 100. Many are people I never met before.

If you look at your life, you too will see tips about how you like working with people.

Because even if you find them annoying, most jobs have a people component.

14 Best and Surprising Books to Think About Careers

Sometimes the best ideas arise where you least expect them. Sometimes you need to look at a perplexing problem from a new angle. And what better place than in books.

Below are some of the books that have shaped how I think about career exploration. Over the years they have been dusted off and read again and again. Besides instilling me with great ideas, they have been very practical in my day-to-day quandaries.

In some way each of them (and others too) have formed the basis for my career exploration model, motivation and when we get stuck.


Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Psychologist and Neurologist Viktor Frankl wrote about his ordeal as a concentration camp inmate during World War II. What the experience taught Frankl is our main motivation is for life to have meaning.  This profound book taught me about suffering and how even in the most dire of situations, the way we handle the situation has to do meaningfulness.


I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was by Barbara Sher

Barbara Sher’s premise is that we do know what we want; our life is filled with clues. What she does in this book is provide a step-by-step guide to revealing your true aspirations. What I appreciate about Sher’s work is her ability to see around roadblocks and being truly on your side to finding career.


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers

I think of this book as a classic in my library. It has helped me understand that anytime we do anything new, fear appears in our life. If we aren’t feeling fear, we aren’t growing. The book has both the depth and simplicity to make life-altering changes in our lives.


The Dark Side of the Light Chasers by Debbie Ford

Debbie Ford’s first book has a clear message about reclaiming our power by embracing the all sides of ourselves, even those we dislike or deny. How it has shaped my work is looking at the false limiting beliefs so they don’t trip you along the way. What Debbie Ford does is offer a perspective on looking at our dark sides as gifts.


Johnny Bunko: The Last Career Book You’ll Ever Need by Daniel H. Pink

Johnny Bunko is a guy who did everything that he was told to do. Now he is in a dead-end job. In a graphic novel format – manga-illustrated – this book offers 6 essential lessons for thriving in the world of work. This is a great book to recommend for some light-hearted yet great advice in a short read.


The Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau

To lead a meaningful life doesn’t mean you need to conform to the ideas of others. This book is about exploring your life as an adventure. Chris Guillebeau has demonstrated that with his life; by the time he was 35 years old, he had travelled to all the countries in the world. One of his career tips: “Don’t just escape from something; escape to something.” Chris’ ideas have helped me rethink about work and life.


Go Put Your Strengths to Work by Marcus Buckingham

Often when we are asked what are strengths are, we struggle with how to answer the question. Marcus Buckingham gives a helpful definition of strengths (hint: not necessarily what we are good at) and how to leverage them for work that is a great fit – where we will experience the most satisfaction and do our best work. This idea has played a key role in how I think about work that matters.


How to Find the Work You Love by Laurence G. Boldt

In this short book, Laurence G. Boldt provides a guide to reflect on the purpose of work through four key elements: Integrity, Service, Enjoyment and Excellence. He outlines how the world of work is changing and what we need to know to fit into that world. His focussing questions have helped me think about the purpose of work.


Luck is No Accident: Making the Most of Happenstance In Your Life and Career by John D. Krumboltz and Al S. Levin

Happenstance is one of those career theories that I was intrigued with when I trained as an employment counsellor. It is based on the idea that life gives many twists and turns and it is those events that lead to our career choices. The book has a friendly and easy-to-read style with ideas on making the best of happenstance.


The 5 Patterns of Extraordinary Careers: The Guide for Achieving Success and Satisfaction by James M. Citrin & Richard A. Smith

A key message in this book is that successful careers are managed and how to make the most of the career you do have. Still, within their 5 patterns, the authors have identified ideas for finding work that is a good fit. Two of the items focus on understanding yourself and what you have to offer. Original research.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

This book is a simple fable based on a journey that turns into an understanding of what it is to be human. The messages are about the power of our dreams and listening to our hearts. What I appreciated about this book was the simple messages based on important principals and getting on your right path.


When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times by Pema Chodron

The first idea about this book is we are always in the process of change. When we are knowing it is time to change our job or if we are flung into unemployment, this book offers much wisdom on navigating the difficulties. How it has informed my life is using her compassionate advice towards myself and opening up to new possibilities.


The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

This book is a powerful guide to for anyone making a big change in their lives. Each of the agreements can be applied directly to the work world. What I have appreciated is the code of conduct through which we can transform our lives.


One: How many people does it take to make a difference? by Dan Zadra

The purpose of the book is to inspire us to discover and celebrate our special gifts. This small, colourful book with great graphics and reflection questions is organized to explore what you have to offer. Inspiring and motivating! This book has helped me think about work in a creative way – seeing the career exploration process as a delight.

What are your favourite books around careers? Share in the comment section below.



What's behind the first seven jobs phenomenon

What were your first seven jobs? In August the Twitter hashtag #firstsevenjobs ignited thousands of responses and an intriguing question: What is all of the hoopla?

I believe it is like passing by a house with its lights on and curtains open. We are curious about the insides.

In a world where we get to see a lot of finished products – books, renovated homes, photographs, the person on stage – we have no idea of how it got done.

It stirs our imagination.

Through the first seven jobs we see origins of a career path. Behind the job is a host of skills and experience at the core of who we are today. Each of those jobs gave shape to the ones following and ultimately what leads us to the work we love (hopefully).

Like many other young women in my generation, my first job was babysitting. There I learned a good deal about patience, compassion and how glad I was it was a limited-time offer. Tough work!

Babysitting also taught me about staying when the going gets rough, solving problems in the moment and there is nothing like playing to set the world all right again. Children know what is top priority. Having fun.

For finding work that matters, children would make good advisors.

            Here is the list of my first seven jobs:

  1. Babysitter
  2. Census enumerator
  3. Bookkeeper/Cashier
  4. Convenience Store Clerk
  5. Factory Worker
  6. Highways Department Clerk/Dispatcher
  7. Carhop

When I look at this list as well as the 27+ occupations that followed, the path is winding, about synchronicity and circumstance. I hear this from other people.

Where and who I am today has so much to do with the road that brought me here. 

For example, the factory work I did was my first “adult” job. At 19, I was one of the youngest workers. Daily I had a vision of my future life with a pension and yearly wage increases.

The promise of a growing bank account for a big dream of going to Australia began to pale during my mind-numbing shifts at the end of a conveyor belt.

I learned a lot about myself in that job. I hate routines. Read: I love variety. I hated being at one station once I learned the ropes. Read: I love a learning curve. I also learned the value of showing up.

Indeed the lessons of the first seven jobs are rich.

The popularity of the Twitter first seven jobs is also connected to a curiosity we have about roots. History.

Though the myth of the overnight success lives on, we know people who we consider successful followed a path. What brought them to the work they are doing today? And how do I get there?

Why also we love looking at first seven jobs is because it is fun. We can all use play in our day. Ask a child.

I would love to hear your thoughts.  What were your first seven jobs? Click on the comments button below.

Great Quotes That Will Change the Way You Look At Work

To the extent that your work takes into account the needs of the world, it will be meaningful; to the extent that through it you express your unique talents, it will be joyful.

Laurence G. Boldt


When you begin to design your future career around the way you actually are, you will discover that many of the inborn qualities you considered to be negatives turn out to be some of your biggest strengths.

Nicholas Lore


Where love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.

John Ruskin


Underneath all our worries about careers, jobs and retirements our purpose really comes down to living fully, to bringing our gifts to the light of day, regardless of position, promotion or pension.

Denise Bissonnette


I believe that you will be at your most productive, creative, focused, generous, and resilient when you figure out how to play to your strengths most of the time.

Marcus Buckingham


You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you.

Maya Angelou


If it falls your lot to be a street sweeper, go out and sweep streets like Michelangelo painted pictures. Sweep streets like Handel and Beethoven composed music. Sweep streets like Shakespeare wrote poetry. Sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will have to pause and say, here lived a great street sweeper who swept his job well.

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Paul and I, we never thought that we would make much money out of the thing. We just loved writing software.

Bill Gates


Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.



It is never too late to be what you might have been."

George Eliot


“How do I define success? Let me tell you, money’s pretty nice. But having a lot of money does not automatically make you a successful person. What you want is money and meaning. You want your work to be meaningful, because meaning is what brings the real richness to your life.”

Oprah Winfrey


Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.



If, in fact, the work you love is calling, the question then becomes: are you listening?

Laurence G. Boldt



Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Steve Jobs


I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.

Joseph Campbell